Posted July, 29th, 2019

Guy Leonard kindly invited members to a farm walk on 16th May 2019 – here is his report:

We had great weather in Holderness on the evening of 16th May when approximately 20 BASE members gave up their time to visit my farm.


We started in the farmyard at West Hill where the drill was located and I discussed the progression since 2012/13 to where we are today on the conservation farming system that I have employed.

We discussed the rotation and where we see the future with reduced reliance on ag Chem and inorganic fertilisers.


Then we went and visited a field of spring oats and spring beans, viewed them and dug some holes to look at the soil conditions. 

After that we went to a field of first wheat after spring beans.

Winter Wheat direct drilled into Spring Bean stubble

Derek Megginson very kindly rogued some black grass for me.



The above pictures are of Spring Oats 6 weeks after drilling into multi species cover crop.

By this stage we were getting a bit peckish, so we frequented the local fish and chip cafe.  There were plenty more deep discussions.  I hope everyone that came from away enjoyed it as much as I did!


Grateful thanks to Guy for his invitation and for sharing his time and expertise.

If any member would like to host a farm walk this autumn, please email Rebecca for help getting the message out to members on rebecca@base-uk