Work Placements
From time to time we are contacted by BASE France and other organisations with requests for work experience for agricultural students or job seekers. Please refer to the links for candidates and placements/jobs if any of these are of interest. These will be removed after 3 months in the hope that a placement or work has been found. If BASE UK members wish to advertise a placement/work – please email details to Rebecca on
Odyssée Agri (France)
Added: 1-Jul-2021
Odyssée Agri is working in France to place young farmers to have working experience abroad. I can have very different profiles. For your information, you can click on the following link and especially on the British flag to get the English version : or
On the other side, our goal is to develop the inbound program.
Indeed, Odyssée Agri will extend the activity by hosting young farmers in our network. There are various opportunities. We have already started to do it and the enthusiasm within cereal industry is very high.
Applicants are employed and get the conventional wage. For someone coming from outside Europe, he or she could come under the working holiday visa (eligible countries only).
In your network, you may know people interested by such experience. They are free to make contacts in order to get better introduction. This exchange allows Odyssée Agri to find the best opportunity available for a potential applicant. If this is of interest, please follow the links in the first paragraph of this article.